Evolution Of FinTech In India

India, a country with more than 1.3 billion people, is making a move towards a radical and disruptive Tech-Finance alliance. This alliance between technology and finance is upgrading, all the while enhancing operations. Primarily, fintech is the combination of technology in finance, offering effective financial solutions than traditional institutions.
Fintech began by setting its operations in the banking industry. Over the last few years, this industry has witnessed tremendous development, extending its wings to the insurance and asset management industry. Today, fintech companies are analysing customer behaviour pattern by implementing innovative technology like machine learning and artificial intelligence.


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Depreciation Of Rupee What It Means For Investors

As the nation votes to elect the next parliament, the Indian Rupee which is already down about 1% this year, is forecasted to drop nearly 2% by May-end, signifying that the upcoming elections are a clear risk to the economy. With the amount of money spent on holding a general election, the downfall of rupee comes as another significant hit to the Indian economy.
The Indian currency’s feeble start to 2019 provides a hint of how it will perform in the upcoming year, a Reuters poll confirmed, citing precariousness regarding general elections and a potential trade war with the U.S. Last year in October, the currency dropped around 10% and hit an all-time low of 70.40 against a dollar, validating its worst performance since 2013.


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Managing The Modern Day Treasury

Business experts define Treasury Management as “The process of administering to the financial assets and holdings of a business.The goal of most treasury management departments is to optimise their company's liquidity, make sound financial investments for the future with any excess cash, and reduce or enter into hedges against its financial risks”.

A lot of responsibilities come with managing the treasury of an organisation like liquidity management, risk management, planning strategic advice, access to capital, merger and acquisition activities, monitoring working capital and investment. Here's how CFO's and the C-suite can enhance this through digitisation.


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Data Analytics and The Modern Day CFO

Industry experts define data analytics as “The discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data. Especially valuable in areas rich with recorded information, analytics relies on the simultaneous application of statistics, computer programming and operations research to quantify performance. Analytics often favours data visualization to communicate insight.” Among the prominent data analysis methods utilised by modern industries, the most important is Big data analytics. Today's business world has gone through drastic changes with management decisions which were previously developed using knowledge and intuition being formulated with the help of facts and data now.


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Analysing Strategic Risks in Business

“The discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data. Especially valuable in areas rich with recorded information, analytics relies on the simultaneous application of statistics, computer programming and operations research to quantify performance. Analytics often favours data visualisation to communicate insight.” This report will highlight the importance that data analytics holds for companies globally to find optimal ground for functioning. The first part of the report will discuss the importance of data analytics in today's competitive marketplace and address some of the added benefits that come attached to it. The latter part of the report will discuss key issues that are integral to the implementation of data analytics in an organisation. We hope this whitepaper helps provide valuable insights on the need for data analytics.


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Addressing Governance, Risk Management & Compliance In 2018

“Governance, risk and compliance (GRC) refers to a strategy for managing an organisation's overall governance, enterprise risk management and compliance with regulations”. GRC is a structured approach to join IT with business goals, while efficiently managing risk and meeting with compliance requirements. A well planned GRC strategy provides a lot of benefits. The first part of the report will discuss what exactly is Governance, Risk Management &Compliance (GRC) in today's world and discuss some of the added benefits that come attached to it. The latter part of the report will discuss Blog series on GRC and CFO’s that are integral to understanding Governance. We hope this whitepaper helps provide valuable insights on GRC


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Effects of a Weaker Indian Rupee Against Dollar

On 5th October 2018, the Indian rupee hit its all-time low, hitting 70.40 against a dollar. The Indian currency has been battling with the increase in crude oil prices, posing a severe threat to the country’s finances. The rupee has fallen more than any other emerging-market currencies this year. A weakened value of the rupee will give some competitiveness to the exporters in India as dollar wise the products will become cheaper for the buyers. Thus, a weak currency can be advantageous to a certain set of players and detrimental to others. A weak rupee symbolises a weaker Indian economy, but the volatility of a currency isn't in anyone's interest. This report will help us to determine the effects of a weaker Indian Rupee.


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