A Detailed View On The IL & FS Catastrophe

October 24, 2000, was the day when IL&FS created history with the inauguration of the first toll road in India between Halol and Baroda in Gujarat. At that time a group of villagers fought with the local politicians who were protesting against the fee imposed by the tolls. These villagers believed that the toll by IL&FS had various benefits and had transformed their lives with the project
The journey of building thousands of kilometres of roads began by acquiring private lands, and with it emerged a fixation about fair compensations of sharing the property and infrastructure.


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Understanding Individual Investor Behaviour

Finance theory believes that investors decisions are based on profit maximisation. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH), also considered as the heart of traditional finance implies that investors get all of the information without cost. As such, the price of stocks always reveals their fundamental value and is consistent; nonetheless, the reality depicts that investors in the markets are not always rational in their decisions and that other factors might affect them when they are making their investment decisions.
Most economic theories are based on the notion that individuals behave rationally and that every existing information is set in the investment process. An efficient market hypothesis is the crux of the assumption.


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A Closer Look At Reason For Startup Failure

On first sight, starting and building a business might seem an easy and simple task to do. Unfortunately, new businesses are still prone to failures and usually fail even before they soar high. The global stats depict that 50% of small businesses fail during the first year and 95% in the first 5 years. While those start-ups that exist applied the right business tactics and principles, but the numbers are too few to justify. The idea to start a business needs a pro-active understanding of the failures encountered by others, mistakes to avoid, and pitfalls to evade.


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