CIN Number:

Corporate Identification Number or CIN number is a unique 21-digit code that proves useful in tracking details of registered companies in India. Other than these, there are several ways in which CIN proves useful for businesses and potential stockholders. To understand its implications and role in general, one must become familiar with its basics in detail.

What is CIN Number?

This digit alpha-numeric code is assigned by the Registrar of Companies (RoC) under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs or MCA. It helps to identify companies which are regulated by each state under the MCA and the Government of India. It also helps to track vital activities of a company right from the initial stages of registration with the RoC.

Typically, CIN number is provided to several types of companies including - 

  • Private Limited Companies
  • Government-owned companies
  • Not-for-Profit companies
  • State Government Companies
  • One-individual owned companies
  • Nidhi Companies 

This code helps to identify a company and further permits to track and understand other vital details. 

Components Of CIN Number:

Corporate Identification Number provides vital information about the registration of a company. The prominent components of the CIN number are as follows –

  • Registration number
  • Listing status, i.e. whether a company is listed or not
  • Industry code
  • State Code
  • Ownership
  • Year of incorporation

Example Of CIN Number:

L 85110 WB 2012 GOI 221989






Industry Code


Registered Stage


Year of Incorporation


Company’s Classification


Company’s registration number

Where is CIN Mentioned?

According to Section 12(3) of the Companies Act, a company is required to mention its CIN on some vital documents. A few of such documents are as follows -

  • Letter papers
  • Notices
  • Invoices
  • Receipts
  • Bill heads
  • Letterheads
  • Annual reports available on the Ministry of Corporate Affairs’ portal
  • Publications like - books, financial reports, journals, periodicals, etc. 

In case a company fails to mention its CIN on these above mentioned documents or other vital papers, the company, along with its defaulting officers, will attract a penalty. The penalty will be of Rs. 1000 per day until the detail is incorporated. Nonetheless, the penalty for such a default can be up to Rs. 100000.  

Purpose Of CIN Number:

These pointers emphasise on the use of CIN -

  • Helps to track all aspects of a registered company since its registration.
  • The 21-digit unique code comes in handy during audits or while presenting reports to MCA.
  • Proves useful for tracking or identifying information that is already with the MCA or RoC.
  • It is mandatory to print the CIN on all official publications of the company.
  • Helps financial institutions to verify details of the company to proceed with invoice discounting services.

At KredX, you can raise funds by discounting your unpaid invoices at attractive terms of services. All you need to do is upload the outstanding invoices at our portal and furnish required documents including CIN number to initiate basic formalities. 

How To Get A CIN?

Section 7(3) of the Companies Act, 2013, states that either on the date mentioned in the certificate of incorporation or immediately after it, the Registrar shall assign a CIN to a company. It will serve as its identification number and will also be mentioned in the certificate.

A company can avail a Corporate Identification Number by simply visiting MCA’s official website. Once the application form is filled, and all essential documents are deposited, the applicant will be required to pay for the CIN number. Subsequently, after the payment is met, the application will be reviewed and then approved from MCA.

Which Factors Change CIN?

Here are some factors that prompt change in the CIN -

  • Change in a company’s listing status
  • When the company’s sector changes
  • Change in the industry 
  • When there is a change in location
  • When the company’s state-registered office changes

Steps To Track CIN:

One can easily track a company’s CIN number by following these simple steps -

Step 1 - Go to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs’ official portal.

Step 2 - Navigate to ‘MCA Services’.

Step 3 - Select the ‘Find CIN’ option.

Step 4 - On being redirected, choose the type of company based on any these details to find its CIN -

  • Registration number
  • Name of the existing company or Limited Liability Partnership
  • Name of the company or Limited Liability Partner 
  • Inactive CIN

Once these steps are completed, you will be asked to enter a CAPTCHA code. Subsequently, you will have to click on the ‘Search’ button to prompt results.

Like discussed, the role of CIN number is also essential for raising substantial funds to meet working capital requirements. By furnishing required details like CIN number, KYC and proof of turnover among others you can raise funds and keep your operations uninterrupted.

One of the most effective ways to raise funds for a company is through invoice discounting services.

KredX is India’s leading integrated cash flow solution provider! Get in touch with us now to learn more about our services in detail. 

FAQs on CIN Number:

A. One cannot change the company’s CIN. Regardless, the same gets changed automatically owing to a change in the listing status, industry or location of RoC.